
Friday 16 August 2013


Fredrick Winslow Taylor was born in the year 1856 in U.S.A. and is considered as the ‘Father of Scientific Management’ for his contribution in the field of management. He was the one who first organised and presented a scientific approach to management.

He was a great scholar from U.S.A. He started his career in the year 1875, as an apprentice at an age of 19 in a small machinery factory in Philadelphia. In the year 1878, he started working for ‘Midvale Steel works’ as a Mechanical Engineer, and was promoted to the post of ‘Gang boss’ within two years, 4 years later he was again promoted to the post of ‘Chief Engineer’. While working in the company he joined evening classes and got degree of ‘Master of Engineering’.

Tuesday 13 August 2013


“Scientific management” as the name suggests is simply the application of science, in the form of scientific tools and technique in the field of management. It represents a blend of the two fields i.e. science and management. 

In other words, we can say that it is the application of scientific approach towards management issues. It also means discarding the traditional approach of management and adopting a newer approach for solving the managerial problems.
Scientific management has been defined differently by different authors, scholars and experts, some of them are as under-


'ESPIRIT DE CORPS' here means team spirit and team work. This principle emphasizes on team work. 'UNITY IS STRENGTH' is the essence of this principle. Fayol suggested that there should be a team spirit in the organisation and all the employees must consider themselves as member of the organisation.


‘Initiative’ means to start, to begin or to instruct in a project. Here, in this principle fayol suggested that each employee should be given an opportunity to take some initiative in framing the functional plan as well as in determining the steps to be taken at each level for proper execution of the plan.

Friday 2 August 2013


'STABILITY' means no frequent change, termination and transfer etc. It means that, in an organisation whenever an employee is appointed for a job, he/she shouldn't be removed from that position frequently. The management of the organisation should ensure that there must be stability in the job and frequent changes and shuffling of position should be avoided.