
Monday 6 April 2020

Limitations or Criticism of Planning Part I

Just like any other technique in the world planning also attracted lot of criticism by various scholars for various reasons. Although planning is beneficial for the business as it guides the management and employees to achieve the objectives of the organization however, in many cases it lacks in certain aspects which makes it a skeptical process. Many a times its expediency and effectiveness is questioned for it is based on just uncertain facts, figures and circumstances which in itself is questionable. Most important criticism comes from the complications arising in the planning process. Some of the major issues with planning are discussed here:

Uncertainty about Future Events: Planning is concerned with future and future is always uncertain, we cannot predict a 100% accurate future. Planning is done in advance about the future based on certain assumptions and information, but assumptions can be inaccurate and information can be undependable leading to a major fail of planning process. Uncertainty of future events or circumstances puts a major setback to planning as plans prepared in advance based on forecasts may not be useful if the underlying assumptions change, thus making the whole planning process worthless.

Expensive: Planning process is an intellectual process which involves hiring of professionals to prepare base plan, investment of time and efforts of management to carry out the planning process, financing and numerous other activities. All these activities involve cost like payments to the professionals, payments for collection of information, salary and other expenses. For an existing business these expenditures are a part of the business and can be easily paid off however, for a newly established business these expenditures can be arduous. Also in some cases cost of planning surpasses the benefits from planning, any such condition should be avoided and planning should only be implemented to such extent where it is beneficial and not an encumbrance.

Lack of Reliable Information: Planning always is based upon facts, assumptions and information. The success of planning depends on these information. When these are accurate the success of planning is remarkable, conversely in the case of erroneous and non-reliable information, planning itself becomes questionable. Thus, before considering any information, its accuracy and reliability should be verified by the management as it may lead to far reaching consequences, and in worst case can make the whole planning process a big fail.

Difficulty in Selecting Alternatives: Planning is concerned with choosing the ‘best’ alternative among different available alternatives. Here, ‘Best Alternative’ is not precisely defined but is assumed to be the one with better results, lower risk and cost. Policy makers or managers choose the best alternative only after considering the future circumstances, results, cost-benefit, risk and several other aspects. However, an alternative proving to be the best one at present may not hold good in the future. Consequently, it is very challenging to know which alternative would work wonders not only in present but also in the future. Managers face this issue often making planning process difficult.

Lack of Managerial Ability: Planning is an intellectual process requiring professional attitude, managerial ability and farsightedness. Success of planning depends upon these traits of the management. Many a times, lack of managerial ability may result in selection of impractical alternative, making incorrect assumptions, investing pointless time and efforts to irrelevant activities, etc.  But then again, managers are also human beings and may not always possess all such qualities, also they are prone to making mistakes. In such situation planning process and its success becomes debatable.

NOTE: Few more points would be discussed on the topic “Limitations or Criticism of Planning” in the future Blog posts.


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